Find or be an

Au Pair

Explore Cultural Exchange and Childcare Opportunities – Be an Au Pair or Welcome One into Your Family!

"An Au Pair is a young person, aged 17 to 30, who lives with a local Host Family. They learn the family's language and culture in exchange for a place to stay and some pocket money."

What is a Host Family?

A Host Family is a family willing to host an Au Pair through the official program of the host country. To participate, Host Families must meet specific requirements, such as having a child under 18, the ability to host an Au Pair in their home, and a commitment to uphold Host Family responsibilities throughout the program. If you’re interested in hosting an Au Pair, sign up as a Host Family at!

Who is an Au Pair?

An Au Pair is a young person, aged 17 to 30, who lives with a local Host Family. They immerse themselves in the family’s language and culture while assisting with childcare responsibilities. In return, the Au Pair receives accommodation, regular meals, and pocket money for personal expenses. Explore the pros and cons of the Au Pair experience to determine if it’s the right program for you. It’s important to note that an Au Pair is not a cleaning lady or a full-time nanny. If you’re keen on the Au Pair experience, register as an Au Pair at!